Dementias 2025 Programme

Dementias 2025 is a two-day conference highlighting the key challenges, advances and best practice in the world of dementia care. 

Curated by conference chairs John O'Brien and Alistair Burns, the Dementias 2025 programme promises specialist-led talks on:

Day 1 - Thursday 6th February

Registration and refreshments
Welcome and introduction
New disease modifying treatments (Post-NICE Assessment and Decision)


Dementia prevention


Updates in genetic testing

Timothy Rittman, Senior Clinical Research Associate and Honorary Neurology Consultant, University of Cambridge

Break - refreshments and exhibition viewing
Uncommon dementias

Matthew Jones, Consultant Neurologist, Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences

Industry Symposium

Supported by Eli Lilly

Blood biomarkers for diagnosing dementia

Vanessa Raymont, Associate Professor, University of Oxford and Dementias Platform UK

Lunch and poster presentations
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) and other non-pharmacological approaches
Supporting families affected by dementia

Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO, Dementia UK

Industry Symposium

Supported by Life Molecular Imaging 

Case studies

Chaired by Ross Dunne

The future of dementia care

Jeremy Isaacs, National Clinical Director for Dementia and Older People's Mental Health, NHS England

Industry Symposium
Primary care and dementia

Professor Dame Louise Robinson, Academic GP and Professor of Primary Care and Ageing, Newcastle University

Summary and close of day 1
Networking Reception

Day 2 - Friday 7th February

Registration and refreshments
Frontotemporal dementia

James Rowe, Professor of Cognitive Neurology and Director of Cambridge Centre for Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders, University of Cambridge

Medical assessment in people with dementia


Industry Symposium

Supported by Alzheimer's Research

Hearing and vision loss and dementia

 Iracema Leroi, Professor of Geriatric Psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin and Global Brain Health Institute 

Diet and dementia

Professor Emma Stevenson, Head of School of Biomedical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences, University of Newcastle

Industry Symposium
Driving and dementia

Paul Donaghy, MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow and Honorary Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist, Newcastle University and Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust

Industry Symposium
Lunch and poster presentations
Poster presentation results and prize giving
Lewy body dementia

Professor John-Paul Taylor, Professor of Translational Dementia Research, Newcastle University

Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

Dr. Ben Underwood, Assistant Professor of Applied and Translational Old Age Psychiatry, University of Cambridge

Emerging therapies in Alzheimer's disease

Professor Catherine Mummery, Professor of Neurology, Dementia Research Centre, Institute of Neurology, University College London

Closing comments and end of conference